Principal show real commitment with DoctorSHARE, Jakarta, 21 November 2019

Jakarta, 21 November 2019 - PT Principal Asset Management (Principal) together with DoctorSHARE invited the public and media to see the facilities at the Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital (RSA).
DoctorSHARE is a Principal partner who is a recipient of a Mutual Fund donation in Principal Philanthropy Social Impact Bond Fund products.
"Indonesia which has more than 17,000 islands requires extra efforts in equitable distribution of facilities and infrastructure, as well as health services. DoctorSHARE has focused for a decade on providing health services free of charge to remote communities in Indonesia, "said Agung Budiono, Principal CEO.
"This is in line with the Principal's commitment in helping the achievement of SDGs in Indonesia, especially in the Health sector."
According to Agung, currently customers and investors in general, can make social contributions by investing in the Principal Philanthropy Social Bond Fund. The customer can also choose one of the seven foundations that are currently cooperating, who will receive the return from the Fund.
"Goodness is an investment that will not decrease in value, even when no one knows," Agung added.
Dr. Lie Dharmawan, Founder of Doctor SHARE, added that the activities and support of PT Principal Asset Management by providing alternative means of donating while investing were innovative ideas in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia.
"This is an excellent example of collaboration between the corporate world and non-profit activities," said Dr. Lie